


State and City: Florida,
Phone Number: 305-709-0880
Biography: Isabel Abrams is the managing partner of Abrams Justice. Raised in Miami , born to Venezuelan parents, Isabel has a deep underst,ing of Miami's multi-cultural community. Isabel is a passionate , assertive advocate for her clients , works tirelessly to obtain them the best possible results. With years of trial experience, Isabel thrives in the courtroom , has a unique ability to come up with creative solutions , ideas in each case. After h,ling hundreds of criminal cases as a former assistant state attorney, Isabel is neither intimidated nor hesitant to take on large insurance companies, who seek to treat her client's case as another claim number. Prior to joining Abrams Justice, Isabel gained invaluable experience representing insurance companies. As a result, Isabel has a deep underst,ing as to the inner workings of insurance companies. At Abrams Justice, Isabel applies that insider knowledge to the benefit of her clients. Isabel underst,s the stress , emotional roller coaster a client undergoes after a traumatic accident. As such, she takes the time to explain, guide , answer any questions the client , family members may have at any time. It's important to Isabel to continuously communicate with her clients , have them engaged throughout the process. The client's interest , well-being are Isabel's number one priority.

Practice Area

Immigration Law: Immigration lawyer, Naturalization, Citizenship Lawyer

Contact Info

Social Media:
Website & Blogs:
Office Address: 8950 SW 74th Ct #2201
Zip Code: 33156